About the Client
The Wachusett Regional School District was founded in 1955 and is comprised of students from the Massachusetts towns of Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, and Sterling. The district’s central office is located in Jefferson, Massachusetts. This K-12 school district, at 155 square miles, is the largest school district in the State, by area.
Client Challenge
With the onset of COVID-19 emergency restrictions, the Wachusett Regional School District recognized an immediate need to provide their faculty and central office teams with a rapidly deployed work from home solution.
CherryRoad Solution
Shark UTM® Remote Workplace provides users with secure, remote access to their servers, workstations, and internal web-based applications. The software can be rapidly deployed and requires no hardware to be installed. Features include local or active directory authentication, two-factor verification (MFA), and secure VPN.
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While it was not our plan to have our central office staff work remotely at the drop of a hat, we thankfully had CherryRoad’s SHARK UTM® Remote Workplace at our disposal. In a matter of hours we created accounts for all of our central office staff and gave them connections to their desktops. It’s working out amazingly well and has provided invaluable flexibility in coping with the ever-changing work conditions we’re all facing.,
Barry Sclar
Supervisor of Information Services
Remote Workspace