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System Upgrade and Application Support for Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS)

Oracle EBS Upgrade and Application Support for Colorado Department of Human Services About the Client The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) is the principal department of the Colorado state government that operates the state’s social services. It has its headquarters in Denver. CDHS supports people and families by connecting them with assistance, resources, and support…

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What is PeopleSoft ERP and How Can It Help You Grow Your Business

Every business organization faces the same challenge, grow your business, or go obsolete. That’s especially true in intensely competitive industries. Streamlining how your organization manages critical everyday business tasks with help from the right digital tools, like PeopleSoft Enterprise Resource Planning software, is a proven way to boost growth. This solution can help you increase…

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5 Reasons Your Company Should Use Private Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become one of the hottest buzzwords in IT. Find out why. In the world of information technology (IT), the newest and hottest buzzword has become ‘cloud computing.’ This technology has created widespread interest and awareness regarding public cloud services. There are numerous benefits to centralizing computing resources into the cloud. One of…

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Moving Your District To K-12 ERP System: Implementing Public Education ERP

Organizations across the world have benefitted from the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions for more than 50 years. They have taken advantage of business practice standardization, system integration, and efficient reporting capabilities. For many reasons including competing priorities, limited resources, and increased accountability, more and more school districts are also moving in that…

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Utilizing Business Intelligence to Monitor Key Performance Indicators

School districts, with all their stakeholders and competing priorities, develop comprehensive strategic plans to help drive the organization forward in a unified way. A school district will gather all pertinent information, develop, and clearly state its strategic plan. Once the mission is analyzed, and goals are defined, Key Performance Indicators (KPI) can be identified to…

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Leading Change: No More Paper, But is it that Easy?

What kinds of change do we see currently happening in the K-12 education space? At the moment, perhaps one of the biggest is the automation of many paper-based processes while using Cloud platforms to automate these processes. This includes student facing- applications, as well as back office programs including procurement and payroll. SO, HOW’S IT…

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Who Qualifies for FFCRA Reimbursement?

What is FFCRA coverage? The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, or FFCRA, was passed on March 18, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was implemented to provide paid leave to employees affected by COVID-19 related incidents from April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. The FFCRA provides refundable tax credits for employers to help…

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Cloud Adoption And Migration Guide For The Public Sector

Cloud applications offer good scalability, huge flexibility, cost reduction, decreased operational overhead, and reliability, but they also present a range of operational and organizational challenges. Security concerns Migrating from legacy systems to the cloud requires substantial resources and a well-proven plan, to avoid any slippage through the cracks. In addition to that, government organizations might encounter…

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