The 4 Most Crucial Cloud Security Technologies For Your Success
The notion of a computer virus reared its ugly head over a half-century ago thirty years before the first connection with ARPANET (the first version of the Internet). In [...]
How Containerization Helps In Seamless Cloud Application Development
Application containerization is not the future, it is here now and has become a significant trend in software application development. Gartner estimates that 75% of organizations will be running containerized [...]
Modernize Your School’s Network Infrastructure with the E-rate Program
Most K-12 school districts have more items on their To-Do lists than funding to complete them, and the gap between the two grows daily, especially with the added complexities [...]
How iPaaS Can Help You Beat Tough ERP Integration Challenges?
The Cloud has taken the business world by storm—and with good reason. It delivers powerful operational and organizational benefits, including scale, lower cost, agility, and increased security. According to SG [...]
The Need for Speed- Accelerated Tech Modernization Mindset
Binge-watching is a huge trend lately, and while ‘binging' recently I stumbled upon an interesting documentary series on World War II. The event should never have happened, but we [...]
Cloud Adoption And Migration Guide For The Public Sector
The ongoing pandemic has compelled Governments across the country to re-align themselves and adopt the emerging technologies to deal with concerns around physical interactions, public accountability, and data infrastructure. [...]
Who Qualifies for FFCRA Reimbursement?
What is FFCRA coverage? The Families First Coronavirus Response Act, or FFCRA, was passed on March 18, 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was implemented to provide [...]
Leading Change: No More Paper, But is it that Easy?
What kinds of change do we see currently happening in the K-12 education space? At the moment, perhaps one of the biggest is the automation of many paper-based processes [...]
Utilizing Business Intelligence to Monitor Key Performance Indicators
School districts, with all their stakeholders and competing priorities, develop comprehensive strategic plans to help drive the organization forward in a unified way. A school district will gather all [...]
Moving Your District To K-12 ERP System: Implementing Public Education ERP
Organizations across the world have benefitted from the use of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions for more than 50 years. They have taken advantage of business practice standardization, system [...]