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Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE)

MPA 464 FY22 – Internet Access for Public and Private Schools and Libraries

MPA-464 provides RIDE (Rhode Island Department of Education) with Qualified Vendors with pre-negotiated pricing, terms, and conditions to provide a shared, technology-based infrastructure that delivers safe and reliable Internet Access, at an affordable cost, to Rhode Island public, private, charter and state operated schools, and select libraries and consortia Requirements to provide affordable telecommunications services to Rhode Island Schools and Libraries.

Rhode Island Department of Education logo.

This contract resulted from an award to solicitation number 7608809. This MPA is for the exclusive use of the RI Dept. of Education, schools, and libraries. CherryRoad Technologies Inc. is one of the four vendors who are awarded this contract.

Contract Start Date: 07/01/2021 | Contract End Date 06/30/2022

Contract Details

For Sales Inquiries

Please email us at or Call (978) 275-1600